Library Cataloging


cufts2marc, a MARC record generator for titles in CUFTS resources could be a useful tool for providing access to e-journals.
cufts2marc is a utility for generating USMARC bibliographic records for the full-text journals in the collections described in the CUFTS link resolver knowledgebase. CUFTS is part of the reSearcher suite of open source tools for locating and managing electronic information resources, developed at Simon Fraser University on behalf of the Council of Prairie and Pacific University Libraries (COPPUL).
And CUFTS is:
an open source (GPL) OpenURL link resolver designed for use by library consortia. It supports multiple sites from one server, online management tools, usage statistics, and includes a knowledgebase of about 165 resources with about 200,000 title records. Sites can individually activate resources they have access to, as well as subserts of titles for packages to which they only have partial subscriptions.

- Vufind, New Release
Version 0.7 of VuFind is now available.VuFind is a library resource portal designed and developed for libraries by libraries. The goal of VuFind is to enable your users to search and browse through all of your library's resources by replacing the...

- Grey Literature
There is a new mailing list devoted to MARC records and full-text online documents for "grey literature" (e.g., technical reports, conference proceedings, etc.). Often online versions of these documents exist, but there are no catalog records. This group...

- Directory Of Open Access Journals
Another OAI project.Directory of Open Access Journals is a service that provides access to quality controlled Open Access Journals. The Directory aims to be comprehensive and cover all open access scientific and scholarly journals that use an appropriate...

- Subject Portals
D-Lib Magazine has the article "iVia Open Source Virtual Library System"iVia is an open source Internet subject portal or virtual library system. As a hybrid expert and machine built collection creation and management system, it supports a primary, expert-created,...

- E-serials Cataloging
I just received this note from Gerry McKiernan. Be aware this is one large PDF file, not one for each paper. So it does take a while to load.I am pleased to announce that free full-text (PDF) access to the entire contents of "E-Serials Cataloging: Access...

Library Cataloging
