Library Cataloging
Cultural Objects Name Authority (CONA)
The Getty Institute is compiling the Cultural Objects Name Authority (CONA).
CONA is a structured vocabulary containing authority records for cultural works, including architecture and movable works such as paintings, sculpture, prints, drawings, manuscripts, photographs, textiles, ceramics, furniture, other visual media such as frescoes and architectural sculpture, performance art, archaeological artifacts, and various functional objects that are from the realm of material culture and of the type collected by museums. The focus of CONA is works cataloged in scholarly literature, museum collections, visual resources collections, archives, libraries, and indexing projects with a primary emphasis on art, architecture, or archaeology.
The focus of each CONA record is a work of art or architecture. In the database, each work's record (also called a subject in the database, not to be confused with iconographical depicted subjects of art works) is identified by a unique numeric ID. Linked to each work's record are titles/names, current location, dates, other fields, related works, a parent (that is, a position in the hierarchy), sources for the data, and notes. The coverage of CONA is global, from prehistory through the present. Names or titles may be current, historical, and in various languages.
CONA grows through contributions, if your institution has such works consider contributing to the database.
Cdwa -litetool
A tool, COBOAT, for CDWA-Lite is freely available from OCLC. (CDWA Lite is an XML schema to describe core records for works of art and material culture based on the Categories for the Description of Works of Art (CDWA) and Cataloging Cultural Objects:...
Vra Core
The Visual Resources Association has announced that the release version of VRA Core 4.0 is now available.VRA Core 4.0 is a data standard for the cultural heritage community that was developed by the Visual Resources Association's Data Standards Committee....
Cdwa Lite
Now available, the XML Schema Content for Contributing Records via the OAI Harvesting Protocol (Version 0.09)CDWA Lite is an XML schema to describe core records for works of art and material culture based on the Categories for the Description of Works...
Cataloging Cultural Objects
Cataloging Cultural Objects: A Guide to Describing Cultural Works and Their Images is a project of the Visual Resources Association.CCO provides guidelines for selecting, ordering, and formatting data used to populate catalog records. CCO is designed...
Controlled Vocabulary
There are plenty of subject, name, genre and form controlled vocabulary lists available. Most commonly used in libraries are the name and subject lists from the Library of Congress. Another source is the Getty lists. Besides being useful in themselves,...
Library Cataloging