Disaster Relief
Library Cataloging

Disaster Relief

Dear everybody,

I am sending this plea on behalf of the children who attend Brazos Elementary School in Orchard, TX.

Sunday night a fire consumed the principal's office, six classrooms, a computer lab and the school's library. At this time, we don't know if it was arson or an electrical fire.

The building was constructed in 1940. What I'm requesting would be elementary level books in fairly good shape, supplies like pockets and books cards, date stamps, ink pads, anything useful for old-fashioned checking out. If some of you are automated and have any of these things lying around, it would be wonderful if you would share with us.

My name and address are:
Becky Knesek
Brazos High School
14413 Hwy 36
Wallis, TX 77485.

That address is for UPS. Our other address is:
Brazos High School
P.O. Box 458
Wallis, TX 77485.

If you are willing and able to help us, I thank you so much from all of us at Brazos I.S.D.

Becky Knesek, district librarian
bknesek at esc6.net

The @ symbol in the e-mail address is replaced by " at " to prevent spam.--D.B.

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Library Cataloging
