EADitor is a free, open-source cross-platform XForms framework for creating, editing, and publishing Encoded Archival Description (EAD) finding aids using Orbeon, an enterprise-level XForms Java application, which runs in Apache Tomcat. I have released the latest stable code in downloadable packages on our Google Code site. This release is a major advancement over the June 2011 release, especially in terms of performance and stability. I call EADitor a beta because there is much I have left to improve, but this is the first production-ready release, an example of which is the American Numismatic Society Archives site, Archer
Features in a nutshell:One of the most important recent advancements in the project is the introduction of our documentation wiki. Documentation is an ongoing process, but the wiki contains enough information to get you started with installation and use.
- Public interface with faceted search results and facet-based OpenLayers mapping
- Linked data and geographic services: OAI-PMH feed, Solr-based Atom feed (embedded with geographic points) and search results in the form of KML
- Geonames, LCSH, VIAF APIs for geographic, subject term, personal, and corporate name controlled vocabulary
- Upload finding aids from the "wild" (if they adhere to EAD 2002).
- Interface for reordering and setting permissions of components
- Flickr API integration, attach flickr images as a daogrp
- Simple template controls for EAD finding aids
- Introduction of simple themes: select facet orientation on search page and from a selection of jQuery UI themes (theme controls will be enhanced over time)
Google Group
SAA 2010 slideshow
code4lib article (XForms for Libraries, an Introduction)