End Users
Library Cataloging

End Users

I've been listening to a talk Bill Moen gave at the TLA 2004 conference on my MP3 player. (TLA makes CDs of the conference with MP3 files of the talks available for a very reasonable sum.) In it he talks about our end users. Those are the folks walking in during business hours and visiting our Web site. OK, nothing new. Then there are the staff. We have to circulate, weed, preserve, build bibliographies, do collection development, etc. All that makes us users of our own work. Again nothing new, but one aspect we often overlook. Then he mentioned software as an end user. New idea to me, turn on the light. Of course, with Z39.50, OAI, APIs, SRU/SRW, etc. it makes perfect sense. We should include all the interoperability aspects when discussing end users. Making an XML version of our work might make sense to our software end users.


- Smoking The Podcasting Dope, A Little Bit
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- Wikis
At last, at Library Stuff, I've heard a good use for a Wiki on a library site. Pathfinders, or finding aids could benefit from corrections, annotations and additions from the public. This makes sense. Local experts or fans of a topic could very well...

- Usemarcon Plus V1.4
A new version of USRMARCON Plus is now available.The software has now been further developed and adapted by ATP Library Systems Ltd, Finland to an API format. Following testing at Helsinki University and the British Library (v1.3), this latest version...

- Cross Training
I'm still reading Subject Determination During the Cataloging Process by Alenka Sauperl. One of the catalogers interviewed mentioned it is important to work a few hours a week on the reference desk. The catalog is constructed for the user, not other...

- Distance Education
Over on the RadCat (Radical Cataloging) list there has been some discussion about justification for cataloging in light of pre-processed books. It has been mentioned that it would be nice to have someone check the cataloging, there are often mistakes....

Library Cataloging
