Fred Kilgour
Library Cataloging

Fred Kilgour

Fred Kilgour, OCLC's founder is no longer with us. More at It's All Good. His 90th birthday celebration is available on video.


- Marcedit 5.1 Released
A new version of MarcEdit has been released. (Terry Reese is following the Hobbit habit and giving presents on his birthday.) Terry is presenting at TLA this year, I'm looking forward to that. He has some tutorials on YouTube. Thanks Terry and Happy...

- The Fred Boer Library Systems
The Fred Boer Library Systems is a non-MARC system that might be useful to some. It has a catalog, patron file, and circulation module.If you need a small library management system, you might be interested in one that I have created using Microsoft Access....

- Controlled Vocabularies
Synonym Rings and Authority Files by Karl Fast, Fred Leise and Mike Steckel is part 3 in their series on controlled vocabularies and faceted classification.Synonym rings and authority files are simple, common-sense ways to help users connect the various...

- Cataloging
Industrializing the Work Flow New Trends in Technical Services is the theme of the latest OLA Quarterly v. 9, no. 1 (Spring 2003). Articles include:Beyond MARC: New Trends for the Library of the Future by Bessie MayesThe Craft of Local Practice: How Catalogers...

- Controlled Vocabulary
What Is A Controlled Vocabulary? by Karl Fast, Fred Leise and Mike Steckel describes, for computer folks, what and why these are useful.A controlled vocabulary is a way to insert an interpretive layer of semantics between the term entered by the user...

Library Cataloging
