Library Cataloging
Functional Requirements for Bibliographic Records
A report on the Dublin Workshop dedicated to FRBR implementation issues that took place on May 2-4 is now available. Talks include:
Ed O'Neill: "Relational Models for Aggregates"Maja Zumer: "Modeling Augmentations"Judith A. Kuhagen: "Modeling Continuing Resources in FRBR (and more...)"Carol van Nuys and Ketil Albertsen: "Modelling web resources"Allyson Carlyle: "FRBR: challenges for implementation in AACR2, with some attention to non-book materials"Barbara B. Tillett: "Relationships in FRBR"Maja Zumer: "Some outcomes of the CRM/FRBR harmonization: the definition of manifestation and a review of attributes"Glenn Patton: "FRAR: extending FRBR concepts to authority data"Marcia Lei Zeng and Athena Salaba: "Toward an international sharing and use of subject authority data"Diane Vizine-Goetz: "Subjects in fiction: the experience with WorldCat"Maria Nasilowska: "Precoordination in subject indexing systems and FRBR model"Trond Aalberg: "Formats and FRBR catalogues -- where's our focus?"Ketil Albertsen: "What do we want to identify? -- FRBR and identifier semantics"Patrick Le Boeuf: "Identifying textual 'works': ISTC: controversy and potential"Thomas B. Hickey: "Exchanging FRBR information"Barbara Tillett: "FRBR and Cataloguing Rules: Impact on IFLA's Statement of Principles and AACR/RDA"- Patrick Le Boeuf: "'Convergence is the Goal': Activity Report of the IFLA FRBR/CIDOC CRM Harmonization Group"
Godfrey Rust: "Thoughts from a different planet (only slightly different)"
Looks like quite a good meeting. I hope the proceedings get published or the talks become available as MP3s.
OpenFRBR is a open-source tool built using Ruby on Rails and using MySQL to FRBRize bibliographic records. Not sure just what it does. here is the set of goals:OpenFRBR says it will build a complete free implementation of FRBR (Functional Requirements...
OCLC to host workshop for the IFLA FRBR Review Group"FRBR in 21st Century Catalogues: An Invitational Workshop" will take place May 2-4, 2005 on the OCLC campus. The purpose of the international workshop is to provide implementors, vendors, cataloguers,...
William Denton has posted his paper "FRBR and Fundamental Cataloguing Rules".IFLA's proposed data model, Functional Requirements for Bibliographic Records (FRBR), arranges bibliographic entities in a new way, using an entity-relationship model that...
The proceedings of a FRBR Symposium that was organized by the National Library of France on December 5th, 2002, have just been made available. Most are in French. They include:Le modele FRBR : presentation - historique - enjeux, par Patrick Le BoeufFRBR...
The Working Group on FRBR (Functional Requirements for Bibliographic Records) of the Cataloguing Section of IFLA now has a Web presence. The site includes:FRBR Final ReportFRBR Discussion ListBibliographyMeeting ReportsFAQ and examplesImplementation ReportsPapers...
Library Cataloging