Library Cataloging
Happy birthday PacMan, 29 years old today.
Off Topic - Gaming
Well, those gaming librarians have recruited me. I've always thought libraries should have games. Why not? They have romance novels, DVDs, CDs, all sorts of popular materials. But I never had any interest in games. I'd tried Pong and Space Invaders...
Off Topic - Gaming
I've never played e-games. When Pac-Man came out tried it once or twice then stopped. Wasn't fun for me. Same with all the many games in the years since. I once or twice visited a MUD, found it dull. Rather watch re-runs of 3s Company. So it was...
Happy Birthday
Happy Birthday to Catalogablog. Now we are four.I started this back on March 5, 2002 on a whim. What started as an experiment now has over 2,400 posts. It has also recently been added to OCLC, #64549138. Thanks for reading and all the suggestions over...
Today is Stravinsky's birthday. Celebrate by listening to some of his music. Stravinsky...
Happy Birthday
Happy Birthday to Frodo and Bilbo....
Library Cataloging