Library Cataloging
Genre/Form Headings for Cartographic Resources
Image via WikipediaLC continues to create cartographic genre/form terms.
The Policy and Standards Division (PSD) of the Library of Congress continues to develop genre/form headings on a discipline-by-discipline basis, and will implement genre/form headings for cartographic resources on September 1, 2010....
On September 1, 2010 the Library will implement cartographic genre/form headings and the revised form subdivisions in new cataloging. PSD will work to update existing bibliographic records to change the form subdivisions and add genre/form headings, and expects to complete the process within a year.
Genre/form Headings Webinar
OCLC has made available the recording of the webinar held on May 12, 2011 entitled: Genre/Form Headings. This one hour webinar covers the definition of genre/form headings, different sources of genre/form terms, searching in Connexion (authority and bibliographic),...
Library Of Congress Genre/form Terms For Library And Archival Materials
Seems we should be planning for updated genre/form authority records. No date just yet.As a first step toward formally separating the genre/form terms from LC subject headings list, PSD titled the new thesaurus the Library of Congress Genre/Form Terms...
Hierarchies For Moving Image Genre/form Headings
LC has requested comments about hierarchies for moving image genre/form headings.In 2007 the Policy and Standards Division (PSD) of the Library of Congress began an experiment to develop genre/form headings in the area of moving images (films, television...
Lcsh Subdivisions For Cartographic Materials
Changes in map cataloging from LC.On June 10, 2009 the Policy and Standards Division (PSD) of the Library of Congress requested input from the library community about its proposal to change the structure of LCSH subdivisions for many cartographic materials....
Moving Image Genre/form Project Report
In early 2007 the Cataloging Policy and Support Office (CPSO) of the Library of Congress initiated a project to create authority records for genre/form headings (MARC tag 155), which indicate what a work is, as opposed to what it is about.... This past...
Library Cataloging