Library Cataloging
Some valid questions have been raised by Saul J. Amdursky in ILL: Sacred Cow or Vital Service?,
Library Journal v. 128, no. 10 (June 2003)
Interlibrary loan (ILL) is one of those services that librarians and their patrons have embraced for decades. Unfortunately, in a public library setting, this has proven to be an expensive mistake. The public library community directs too many dollars to a service that has too few users. There are better things to do with the money.
The companion pieces Purchase on Demand A Better Customer Service Model by Richard Hulsey and Patron-Initiated This Ain't Your Grandfather's ILL! by Christie Pearson Brandau provide further details. Should funds be diverted from ILL to full-text databases, buying more items and reciprocal borrowing agreements?
Help Protect Statewide Library Programs
Take action. Budget Proposal Demolishes State Funding for Libraries The State?s budget proposals for 2012-13 affect our statewide library programs. The budgets ELIMINATE Loan Star Libraries (direct aid grants to public libraries), all state funding for...
New Books
Here are a couple of new books from O'Reilly that may be of interest.XML in a Nutshell, 3rd ed.Steal This File Sharing BookI think we should be more aware of file sharing and how it could be used in a library setting. As part of ILL it makes sense....
Full Text Databases
One of the databases I use frequently is the NASA Astrophysics Data Service. This service has been a source of innovation and experimentation with on-line full text. It is perhaps equal in importance to the physics preprint server, though less well known....
Lc Subject Headings
The latest issue of the Cataloging Service Bulletin has these major subject heading changesAustralian aborigines becomes Aboriginal AustraliansThe geographic qualifier Nfld. becomes N.L.A change affecting many fewer records but most likely more libraries,...
Lc Classification
Dear Colleagues, The Cataloging Distribution Service (CDS) wishes to announce that, with the highly successful introduction of Classification Web, Classification Plus, our CD-ROM product, will be discontinued with 2002, Issue 4. Effective immediately...
Library Cataloging