Information Seeking Behavior
Library Cataloging

Information Seeking Behavior

Rory Litwin has an interesting article in the current Library Juice about what the "Amusing Search Questions" that led folks to his newsletter reveal. Well worth a read. Might make for a good discussion in LIS programs.
Each month in Library Juice I publish a list of a dozen or two searches that led to pages on in the previous month - amusing, or at least head-scratching, stuff. (They are compiled on the Library Juice website.) It has occurred to me that many of these searches are trying to tell us something about information seeking behavior, and that we can actually learn from them when we are done giggling. I've made a stab at a typology of the "amusing search," with lessons and questions arising from each.

- Barbara Tillett Interview
Library Juice has an Interview with Barbara Tillett done by Rory Litwin. Subjects...

- Library Juice
Library Juice is always an interesting read. This issue contains:COLUMBIA LIBRARY SCHOOL (Melvil Dewey's report, 1887)Stay Free!/Illegal Art told to "cease and desist"Mainstream Media Fails Itself (Peter Phillips on Haiti reporting)International Congress...

- Z39.50
Release 2.0 of the Bath Profile: An International Z39.50 Specification for Library Applications and Resource Discovery. This release of the profile defines four Functional Areas:Functional Area A for Bibliographic Search & Retrieval, with Primary Focus...

- Worth Reading
Every 2 weeks Rory Litwin produces another issue of Library Juice. The focus is on intellectual freedom. Only rarely does it have anything to do with cataloging, sometimes Sandy Berman rates an article. If you support the Library Bill of Rights this fine...

- Genre Headings
On Despising Genres by Ursula K. LeGuin offers some food for thought concerning the use of genre headings and sections in libraries and bookstores. Do we separate the "good" from the "popular" fiction? Do we use it as a finding tool, as we should or as...

Library Cataloging
