Library Cataloging
Inheritance in FRBR
Modeling Our Understanding, Understanding Our Models: The Case of Inheritance in FRBR by Allen H. Renear and Yunseon Choi appaers in Grove, Andrew, Eds.
Proceedings 69th Annual Meeting of the American Society for Information Science and Technology (ASIST) 43, Austin, TX (US).
IFLA's Functional Requirements for Bibliographic Records (FRBR) presents a compelling and influential model of the 'bibliographic universe.' However there are interesting variations between FRBR's formal model and the narrative expositions of FRBR's authors and explicators - that is, between the formal model and the framework as more broadly understood by the FRBR community. In this paper we argue that despite a widespread belief to the contrary, attribute inheritance down the 'hierarchy' of Group 1 entities is inconsistent both with the formal model and with the general spirit of the project. We believe these observations reveal an ongoing uncertainty about the nature of bibliographic entities as well as difficulties in maintaining a clear and exact understanding of the models we are using to represent those entities - even when those models are our own creation.
Functional Requirements Namespaces
Namespaces for the Functional Requirements (FR) family of bibliographic metadata models have been published in Resource Description Framework (RDF), the basis of the Semantic Web. The models include Functional Requirements for Bibliographic Records (FRBR),...
The ISBD Review Group announces that the final and approved Mapping ISBD elements to FRBR entity attributes and relationshipsThe ISBD Review Group has been assessing the feasibility of aligning the terminology used in the texts of the International Standard...
Frbr Tool
LC has relased a FRBR Dispaly tool.In 2001, the Network Development and MARC Standards Office released the publication, "Displays for Multiple Versions from MARC 21 and FRBR," which outlined how the FRBR (Functional Requirements for Bibliographic Records)...
William Denton has posted his paper "FRBR and Fundamental Cataloguing Rules".IFLA's proposed data model, Functional Requirements for Bibliographic Records (FRBR), arranges bibliographic entities in a new way, using an entity-relationship model that...
The Concept of a Work in WorldCat: An Application of FRBR by Rick Bennett, Brian F. Lavoie and Brian F. Lavoie.This paper explores the concept of a work in WorldCat, the OCLC Online Union Catalog, using the hierarchy of bibliographic entities defined...
Library Cataloging