ISBN Converter
Library Cataloging

ISBN Converter

Convert ISBNs between 10 and 13 digit formats using this tool. It is only valid until the time when prefixes other than 978 will be used.

Is anyone considering converting all their 10 digit ISBNs to 13? Without the identifying ISBN prefix they would have to go into field 024 rather than 020. Still is seems that a rather simple script could be written to read 020a perform the operation to get the 13 digit number and then add field 024 and drop the result in there. Would any access be gained? Well if someone was searching for the EAN, it could help them. How many patrons search on EAN?


- Using Barcodes In Search
Brian Surratt at Texadata mentions he is having some success scanning barcodes on the back of books when doing ISBN searches on OCLC. It is not yet 100% accurate, many of these numnbers are in the 024 field. Yet it is working and will only get better...

- Isbn
The Nov. issue of the NISO Newsline has the article The 13-Digit ISBN: There's Time, But Act Fast!Worldwide, the industry will move to from a 10-digit to a 13-digit ISBN on January 1, 2007. Experts from NISO and counterpart organizations, working...

- Isbn Checkers
Owen Massey brought another ISBN checker to my attention, with several additional features.Checks and corrects the check digit of ISBNs, ISSNs, ISMNs and 13-digit EANs, or if the check digit is not supplied, calculates the required check digit.Hyphenates...

- Isbn
Sometimes it is useful to verify an ISBN. Some online verifiers are:ISBN (Bookland EAN) Online Bar Code Symbol Generator gives a barcode as well as providing a check digit, or verifying that the ISBN is correct. The program may be downloaded or used online.The...

- Isbn
The Frequently Asked Questions about changes to the ISBN page covers many questions, including:Why is the ISBN being changed?How is it that a 10-digit ISBN system can run out of numbers?What are the changes to the ISBN system?How does this change to a...

Library Cataloging
