Library Cataloging
Job Interview
Cora, my spouse, is interviewing for a position later today that she very much wants. Any positive thoughts, wishes, prayers for a successful interview are welcome.
Interview With Janet Swan Hill
"Everything about our discipline is about meta data." Interview with Janet Swan Hill. This is Arro Smith. I am here with Janet Swan Hill. We are in Washington D.C. at the 2010 American Library Annual Conference. She has agreed to be interviewed. This...
Barbara Tillett Interview
Library Juice has an Interview with Barbara Tillett done by Rory Litwin. Subjects...
Cora For President
Cora Bigwood, my spouse, has just announced her candidacy for the position of president-elect of the Texas Music Educators' Association (TMEA) TMEA...
Stuart Weibel Interviews Tim Berners-Lee, July 29, 2003.This interview with Tim Berners-Lee, Director of the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) was conducted by OCLC Researcher Stuart Weibel. Tim agreed to discuss his perspectives on major trends in the...
On the OLAC list there has been a discussion on the use of realtor terms. I wrote that they were valid in field 100 but could not imagine when they might be used there. I'm sure I've never seen it.Well, it seems there is someone who has a use...
Library Cataloging