Library Cataloging


The University at Buffalo Reporter has the article Library students test Internet freeware by Patricia Donovan.
"our LS 501 students can learn to configure and mount a Koha system from scratch, then test it and provide 'bug' reports to the Koha group responsible for the overall development and testing of the system. This fall, our LS 506 students will participate in end-user testing of the system."
What a wonderful opportunity for the students to get in and do some real-world work. And how great for the Koha project to have such a group of folks added to the development.

- Koha In The Classroom
LibLime is providing supported hosted Koha software to LIS programs. Now the students can get in there and see how searches change if 505t is added to the title index. What is the effect of indexing series fields in title searches? This kind of hands...

- Koha News
Koha 2.2.4 is here. Koha 2.2.4 should be the last release of the 2.2 branch with new features. Koha 2.2.5 should contain only bugfixes. However, Koha 3.0 is already on the way and should give libraries a new great experience Koha is the first Open-Source...

- Koha
The new version of Koha (2.2.2) is available.Koha is the 1st Open-Source Integrated Library System. Released first in New Zealand, in January 2000, it is maintained by a team of volunteers from around the globe. The Koha system is a full catalogue, OPAC,...

- Koha
After a two year cycle of intense development efforts Koha 2.0 is now being released! Early release copies of Koha 2.0 have been deployed in libraries in France and the United States for over 6 months. With this new release, we expect Koha to be deployed...

- Koha
Koha 1.3.0 has been released. This release marks the beginning of public development and testing of the MARC compliant Koha we've been looking forward to. As the 1.3 releases stabilize and reach feature completion, they will become Koha 1.4.This is...

Library Cataloging
