Library Cataloging
Library Blog Awards
Salem Press is conducting the Library Blog Awards. Seems so five years ago, but still, nominate and vote for your favorite weblogs.
11 March Maybe I should have made it clearer that I was being factious with the "5 years ago" remark. Weblogs get much less press than they did back then. Now that all the "cool librarians" have moved on to Tumble logs, foursquare, and Twitter, weblogs get little press. I personally think they have a place in the distribution of information. I still listen to radio as well as podcasts; still read books as well as download audio books from the library. My RSS reader is subscribed to a few dozen weblogs.
Belated Anniversary
I started this back on March 5, 2002, so about a month ago was the 7th anniversary. Over that time more than 3,400 things caught my attention enough to create a post. I'm posting less now than in 2002-03. One reason is that now there are many other...
Metadata Posting In The Liswiki
I've just posted an item to the LISWiki on metadata in weblogs. It was begun as a chapter for a book a couple years back. Then I started to rework it as a journal article. However, I've just not had the time to whip it into shape. Here it is,...
rssSearch is a search engine which harvests and indexes the RSS/RDF files produced by weblogs across the Internet. It is built up from a number of components, a harvester, an indexer, a search engine, and a user interface. Currently it indexes 34,899...
I have become an Amazon associate. Not to get piles of cash from mentioning books like the Classification System for Libraries of Judaica. Rather, because there is a nifty Web service I wished to participate in, Weblog Bookwatch.The Weblog Bookwatch searches...
Web Logs
Filters and Rogue Librarians: Weblogs in the Library World by Geoffrey Skinner.Defines and discusses the history of weblogs, or "blogs." Examines the creation of weblogs among libraries and librarians. Provides a framework for planning for a library-created...
Library Cataloging