Library Cataloging
LibraryThing has added RSS feeds. We should take a look at this tool and see what it tells us about what we could be doing. Folks like to share the books they are reading. Maybe we have been so concerned with privacy that we have neglected the social needs of our users. Maybe a giving our users the option to share their reading, and the control of what gets shared would be an improvement. The person who is a Dick Francis fan might enjoy sharing that but not the fact they are also reading books on bankruptcy. It is something to consider.
It seems many folks are glad to share their reading and that can build recommendation systems. People who read this also often read that. Works a bit for Amazon, except there gifts mess up the data. My library check outs don't include gifts so the data may be a bit better. With blog widgets, ratings, comments, reviews, RSS feeds and tagging LibraryThing should be giving us ideas on how to improve our catalogs.
Book Covers
The other day I asked for suggestions about where to get book covers to include in the cataog. One comment suggest is an experimental tool that lets people compare what book covers are available through different APIs. It uses four...
Librarything Api
Tim Spalding has released an API for LibraryThing.I just released a Javascript/JSON API to LibraryThing core work data. It's basically a riff on what Google did recently?a...
Enhancing The Catalog
In Danbury Conn. the public library has added LibraryThing for Libraries to their catalog.What is LibraryThing for Libraries?Give your patrons exciting new content, including recommendations and tag clouds.Let your patrons take part, with reviews, ratings...
Tagging At Amazon And Librarything
Tim at LibraryThing has a long post, an article would be a better description, comparing tagging at Amazon and LibraryThing. When tags work and when they don't: Amazon and LibraryThing draws some conclusions based on the differences in the number...
Librarything Weblog
LibraryThing now has a second weblog, Thing-ology devoted to discussion of access.This is the place where we'll talk about the meanings, methods, and debate around LibraryThing and its features. I expect there to be discussion of Web 2.0, Library...
Library Cataloging