LPSC Poster
Library Cataloging

LPSC Poster

Tuesday I'll be presenting my poster for LPSC. I'm hoping some of the scientists go back to their libraries and clean-up and get their names submitted into the LC Name Authority File. This is a larger problem for women who marry, change their name, divorce, change their name again, etc. It would also be nice for some of the guys to get their names different from other writers and have a unique heading.


- Virtual International Authority File
News from Fall of 2011 about OCLC's VIAF. Uniform Titles have been added to the Virtual International Authority File! Now VIAF covers: Personal names Corporate names Geographic names (only jurisdictional names so far) Uniform titlesOld news but still...

- Corporate Names
A new paper from HP discusses the problems and an automated solution to distinguishing corporate names. Company Names Matching in the Large Patents Dataset by Timofey Medvedev and Alexander Ulanov, HP Laboratories, HPL-2011-90R1. This paper addresses...

- Field 720
Why do I so rarely see field 720 used? I just downloaded a record that had two names not in the LC Authority file, yet both were in field 700. Here is the description of field 720 from MARC Full. Added entry in which the name is not controlled in an authority...

- Authorty Tool
a.k.a. (also known as) lists author pseudonyms, aliases, nicknames, working names, legalized names, pen names, noms de plume, maiden names... etc. As of 06/05/04 it included 11,516 entries (4,142 'real' + 7,374 'pseudo')....

- Authority
On identifying name equivalences in digital libraries by Dror G. Feitelson appears in Information Research, v. 9, no. 4 (July, 2004)The services provided by digital libraries can be much improved by correctly identifying variants of the same name. For...

Library Cataloging
