Library Cataloging


The Library of Congress has made an updated version of their MARC to XML Conversion Tool available. is a perl program that converts a file of MARC records to XML. The resulting XML markup will reflect the MARC tags and subfields that occur in the input file of MARC records. The output file will be well-formed XML but not necessarily valid XML (i.e valid when parsed against the DTD mrcbfile.dtd). The DTD reflects only the tags present in MARC 21 (including obsolete tags). So, for instance, any 9XX local fields will cause validation to fail.

- Marc Tool
yaz-marcdump is a free tool from Index Data to manipulate MARC records. Perhaps it is just the tool you need to convert those MARC21 records encoded in MARC-8 into UTF-8. yaz-marcdump reads MARC records from one or more files. It parses each record and...

- Marc Rtp
A while back I posted that the MARC Record Translation Program (MARC RTP) had disappeared. Now it is back, though at a temporary home.MARC RTP was especially developed so that catalogue data contained in MARC format files could be converted, and selectively...

- Marc Tools
Roy Zimmer has created and made available some Perl tools for working with MARC records. Thanks Extracts BLOB data from Voyager. Pick one of the three data types, and specify the range of records to be retrieved. Output is human-formatted,...

- Z39.50
oss4lib reports that the Visual Basic Binding of ZOOM Z39.50 API has a new version available.:VB-ZOOM is an ActiveX COMponent, written in Visual Basic, which is an implementation of the ZOOM (Z39.50 Object-Orientation Model) Abstract API. It is a wrapper...

- Marc Edit
A new version of MARC Edit by Terry Reese is now available. Here are some of the new features: Enhanced MarcEngine -- for faster MARC manipulation and more exposed functions/methodsGlobal Indicator editing tools and enhancements to all existing editing...

Library Cataloging
