Library Cataloging
Multiple Format Resources
Image via WikipediaGary Price from Resource Shelf alerted me to the study FRBR and RDA: Advances in Resource Description for Multiple Format Resources by the Initiative for Equitable Library Access of the Library and Archives Canada.
The multiple formats issue has been a challenge that current cataloguing standards were unable to resolve. This paper describes the multiple formats issue and demonstrates how the issue is resolved through a new pespective on bibliographic data and a new cataloguing standard. The new perspective on bibliographic data comes from the conceptual model, Functional Requirements for Bibliographic Records (FRBR). The new standard is Resource Description and Access (RDA), which is built on the theoretical framework expressed in the FRBR conceptual model. RDA and FRBR, the conceptual model on which RDA is founded, resolve the multiple formats issue and point the way for improved access to resources for all users, and particularly for users with print disabilities.
Functional Requirements For Authority Data
IFLA has a new book available, Functional Requirements for Authority Data: A Conceptual Model.This book represents one portion of the extension and expansion of the Functional Requirements for Bibliographic Records. FRBR has been published as Nr 19 in...
New Poll
I had fun with the poll on field 024, so here is another. IFLA is discussing if records should have multiple GMD's and where they belong. Off to the right is a place to vote on your preference on where to place the GMD. This will not influence anything,...
William Denton has posted his paper "FRBR and Fundamental Cataloguing Rules".IFLA's proposed data model, Functional Requirements for Bibliographic Records (FRBR), arranges bibliographic entities in a new way, using an entity-relationship model that...
Treatment of Publications in Multiple Formats proposals initiated by the IFLA Section on Cataloguing?s ISDB Review Group is now available. Comments should be made before November 15.Recognizing the increasing incidence of resources published in more than...
Conser Task Group On Frbr And Continuing Resources
"The FRBR provides great hope for the long-standing problem of multiple versions, an issue particularly problematic for serials and other continuing resources. Thus, it is extremely important that the complexities and requirements of continuing resources...
Library Cataloging