The Music Library Association's Bibliographic Control Committee has formed the MLA-BCC Genre/Form Task Force to work collaboratively with the Library of Congress in developing the music portion of LC's genre/form thesaurus. The task force is reviewing the lists which LC has posted to its genre/form website and making suggestions to LC about new and existing terms. The task force is also gathering comments from the music community at large and from anyone with an interest in the music genre/form project. Comments can be made through July 1, 2009.
The task force has set up the following wiki to facilitate discussion about the project Anyone with comments or questions about existing music genre/form/medium terms, the LC lists, suggestions for additional terms and/or the music genre/form project in general should feel free to share their comments via this wiki. Instructions for setting up a pbworks account and leaving comments can be found at:
The official charge of the task force is as follows: The MLA-BCC Genre/Form Task Force will review the genre/form and medium of performance lists posted by the LC Policy and Standards Division (PSD) on their genre/form website. The group will suggest additional terms from LCSH, from other established lists (e.g., the MLA Types of Composition list, the Ethnographic Thesaurus), and from reference sources. Suggestions for genre/form and medium of performance terms will also be solicited from the MLA membership at large. The Task Force will vet the terms suggested by its members and by the MLA membership and will forward these terms on to PSD for possible inclusion in the genre/form and medium of performance lists. The initial phase of the project, the vetting and submission of terms, should be completed by the end of July 2009.