Library Cataloging


This is a plea to OCLC and RLN to consider providing access to the authority files as a separate product. We are a small library and cannot afford full cataloging status on either of these utilities. However, with our specialized collection and close ties with the community of users, we are in a very good position to contribute to NACO. We see the authors as they come through for meetings and workshops. I'm sure there are other special libraries in a similar position. Yet, a requirement for NACO participation is access to OCLC or RLG. This prevents our participation.

I have found a work around. I'm e-mailing submissions to someone at another institution who then searches and inputs the record. This does create double work, more selectivity on my part (I don't want to place too heavy a burden on my colleague) and time delay.

This could be alleviated if one of the utilities offered access to their authority files and the ability to contribute as a separate service. They could bring in a few more dollars and the library community would benefit from the contributions of small, specialized libraries.

- Rda Naco Training
NACO is providing training to their members but anyone can take advantage of the resources to understand how name authority records will be created using RDA. This training is designed for existing NACO Program members who are making the transition from...

- New Naco Node
Very exciting news SkyRiver is now a NACO node.The PCC welcomes a new NACO Node* member, SkyRiver Technology Solutions. Name authority records contributed through SkyRiver will carry the prefix "ns." The Library of Congress has been working with all NACO...

- Skyriver
There is plenty of coverage of the new bibliographic utility, SkyRiver, so I'll not rehash all that's been said. The article by Marshall Breeding in Library Journal is a good place to start. However, one aspect that has not been covered is the...

- Worldcat And The Future Of Bibliographic Control
Karen Calhoun spoke on WorldCat and the future of bibliographic control at the recent OCLC Members Council.One bit I found interesting was that Baker and Taylor Cataloging Plus libraries are now OCLC members. These were described as small school libraries,...

- Naco
The end of next week I'm getting a NACO refresher and training on RLIN. NACO, the name authority component of the PCC, is a wonderful program. I would suggest all catalogers take advantage of the training they provide. The ability to add names to...

Library Cataloging
