Library Cataloging


The annual conference for the North American Serials Interest Group is scheduled for Portland, Oregon, June 26-29. Some sessions of interest to catalogers include:Much more on acquisition, management, preservation and other aspects of serials.

- Nasig Rss Feed
The North American Serials Interest Group, Inc (NASIG) now has an RSS feed from their news page. Looks like the page is using Blogger. NASIG...

- Serials
Cataloging Electronic Integrating Resources reported by Betty Landesman appears in the latest NASIG Newsletter.The ALCTS Electronic Resources Discussion Group held a managed discussion on cataloging electronic integrating resources at ALA Midwinter on...

- Nasig
The NASIG Newsletter is now available to all, previously access was restricted to members. The Dec. issue contains information on:NASIG 19th ANNUAL CONFERENCE (2004)NASIG 18th Annual Conference (2003)NASIG PROFILESNASIG AWARDSOTHER SERIALS NEWSThe North...

- Tla
I've just received the program for the Texas Library Association annual conference. Lots of good sessions. Some of the ones I'm sure to catch include:Open-Source Software and Libraries a Good Fit? by Charles Bearden. Chuck was one of the early...

- Serials
The proceedings of the NASIG annual conference are now available to members online. They will be published as The Serials Librarian Volume 42, Numbers 1/2 and 3/4 (2001). Some of the items of interest to catalogers include:Taming the Aggregators: Providing...

Library Cataloging
