NISO Newsletter
Library Cataloging

NISO Newsletter

The Nov. issue of the NISO Newsletter is now available. Topics include:Standards

- Niso Newsletter
The latest issue of the NISO Newsline is available. Some of the topics include: NISO and NFAIS Publish Recommended Practices for Online Supplemental Journal Article MaterialsNISO Launches New Initiative to Develop Standard for Open Access Metadata and...

- Radio Frequency Identification Workshop
RFID Institute: October 25-26 - Walk-ins Welcome! NISO and the University of North Texas Center are bringing you a 2-day Institute on RFID (Radio Frequency Identification). We have tapped an array of experts to examine the use of RFID in business and...

- Metadata
Metadata Practices on the Cutting Edge is a NISO sponsored workshop held May 20, 2004 in Washington, DC.Get the guidance you need on the growing variety of metadata standards and explore issues of interoperability. Topics in the spotlight -- from both...

- Metadata
Thursday, May 20, 2004, NISO Workshop: Metadata Practices on the Cutting EdgeGet the guidance you need on the growing variety of metadata standards and explore issues of interoperability. The NISO one-day workshop, Metadata Practices on the Cutting Edge,...

- Serials
NISO and EDItEUR to Set Serials Exchange Standard. The National Information Standards Organization (NISO) and EDItEUR are establishing a Joint Working Party (JWP) to explore the development of a common standard format for the exchange of serials subscription...

Library Cataloging
