Library Cataloging
NJLA Podcasts
The New Jersey Library Association had a podcasting station at their recent conference. Nice idea. However, they should have paid more attention to the MP3 ID tags. Where were all the catalogers? They had the speakers name as the title and that was it. Where were the artist, album, track, year, comments, and genre? Most of those could be fixed with a global change. Something like mp3tag would do the trick. Its not just MARC anymore.
Ten Do?s And Don?ts For Conference, Workshop, And Program Organizers
In the wake of Internet Librarian lots of folks have been posting tips for presenters. Conference organizers also have a nice list of hints, Ten Do?s and Don?ts for Conference, Workshop, and Program Organizers. Many of our conferences are arraigned by...
A nice tool for those listening to lots of podcasts or creating them is mpTrim. It fixes lots of errors, adjusts the volume and cuts off silence from the start and end of the file, thus making it a bit leaner. Free for a basic version. For longer podcasts...
I sent this idea off to the Next Generation Catalog list but decided to post it here are well. Why not take a look at MP3 players for ideas on access to content? I've got about 3000 songs and podcasts on my player. I can get to the specific item by...
Audio Files
Yahoo now has an audio search. It provides a separate result pages for music podcasts and other. Missing MP3 tags make the results less useful.Since I picked on OCLC just now, I should mention they do have a good collection of talks available, their Distinguished...
Tx Library Conference
I've just received the program for the TX Library Association Annual Conference. Looks great as always. This is one of the largest library conventions in the country, but not as intimidating as ALA.One of the speakers is Jenny Levine, the Shifted...
Library Cataloging