Library Cataloging


There have been some minor changes made to ONIX for Books.
Following the original issue of Release 2.1 in June 2003, and a number of corrections and minor upgrades made in December 2003 as Revision 01, we have made a few further additions, primarily to support the special needs of ONIX implementations in Australia and Canada. These are incorporated into the latest download packages, as Revision 02. Most users will be completely unaffected by these additions, and you do NOT need to change the release number in the header of your ONIX messages. The additional level of revision numbering within the release number is used only for purposes of controlling successive minor revisions: see ONIX for Books ? Product Information Message ? XML Message Specification, Section 5.
I'm still curious, is there anyplace to download ONIX records from a publisher that is freely available? Or is LC the only place getting records in this format as part of their CIP program? I hear a lot of talk about how our systems have to be able to handle other formats like ONIX, but if all the publishers consider their metadata as proprietary why should we give any thought to it?

- Metadata Is Marketing
Increase Sales & Lower Costs: A Step-By-Step ONIX Guide for Publishers. ONIX (Online Information Exchange) is the standard in the publishing industry for computer-to-computer communication about bibliographic data. Basically, it allows you to represent...

- Onix Resource
Here is a go-to place for ONIX Records for LibrariesI am trying to gather information on publishers who make ONIX records available for downloading. Here is what I have so far. If you know of another publisher that freely offers ONIX records for downloading,...

- Onix For Books
Some minor changes in ONIX.Special supplementary release: Release 2.1 revision 03. To meet the short-term needs of ONIX implementations in Australia and Spain, ahead of any new general Release, a further minor revision, 03, has been completed in January...

- Onix
I had remarked a while back that I know of no publisher making their ONIX records available. I've since received two comments pointing out that some records are available. The Cambridge University Press makes them available, along with much other...

- Onix
When I noted the revision to the ONIX standard I asked if anyone has access to ONIX records or are they hidden behind firewalls at the publisher's sites. LC has access, but I've not heard from anyone that a publisher is making their ONIX records...

Library Cataloging
