Library Cataloging
Online Information Retrieval
JavaScript tools for online information retrieval by Gamage, Ruwan and Dong, Hui (2006).
JavaScript has a comparatively long history as an online information retrieval tool. During the last decade SilverPlatter's popular WebSPIRS 4.0 started using JavaScript for its search functions. International Children's Digital Library is a current system that applies JavaScript for category based information retrieval. However, JavaScript capabilities for quick browsing and searching small collections is under utilized in light of advanced server-side technologies. Focussing on search engines using data arrays in scripts, this paper tries to justify one possible reason behind this - high response time for the starting search. To cope up with the situation, the paper introduces a model for interface design. Also it reveals that the script search is superior to server side techniques in terms to response time, when the user's session is several searches long.
Tool For Tei Display
New TEI tool. We are pleased to announce the release of TEI Boilerplate 1.0, a lightweight solution for publishing styled TEI P5 content directly in modern web browsers. The typical method for publishing TEI on the web involves an often complex XSLT transformation...
Open Data Access
Image via WikipediaMake your open data even more open with CORS (Cross Origin Request Security). Currently, client-side scripts (e.g., JavaScript) are prevented from accessing much of the Web of Linked Data due to "same origin" restrictions implemented...
Searching, Pre And Post Web
Mansourian, Yazdan (2004) Similarities and differences between web search procedure and searching in the pre-web information retrieval systems. Webology 1(1).This paper presents an introductory discussion about the commonalities and dissimilarities between...
Some articles in the latest Online Information Review v. 27, no. 4.Meta-tag: a means to control the process of Web indexing by Dariush Alimohammadi Search engines are used to locate information on the Web, but they cannot always adequately meet the information...
The current issue of JDIM (Journal of Digital Information Management) has the paper "Indexing for XML-based Articles" by Canan F. Pembe and Taflan 0. Gundem.Traditional information retrieval systems have problems in the relevancy of the search results....
Library Cataloging