Library Cataloging
Jenny, the Shifted Librarian, writes about how unresponsive ILS vendors are to the suggestions and comments of their customers. The slow response to RSS is shown as an example. How true. I have been trying to get Athena to display conference name headings properly for years. They had better wake up.
There are now open-source options available or nearly so. This increased competition should make them wake up. When Koha, Weblis and other small systems get just a bit more installation friendly they will be serious competition to the Athena and Follett products. The PINES project, a few years down the road, will be a option for the large system. If the option is for a free product that is easy to customize and is responsive to trends or a high priced system that can't be changed and is slow to use new technology, not many will opt for the later.
Printing Labels
Looking for advice. I want to print card labels. I hear there is a problem with spine labels fading, sometimes rather quickly, at least on the Dymo printers. Since we are a research library, materials are rarely weeded. I can't afford to redo all...
Opac Replaced By Fish
Christopher Harris at Infomancy has an OPAC replacement, a FISH. FISH: Free (as in kittens) Integrated Search Handler. Using freely available tools has put together a system to replace the catalog. Seeing what he has done is fascinating and inspiring.With...
Koha News
Koha 2.2.4 is here. Koha 2.2.4 should be the last release of the 2.2 branch with new features. Koha 2.2.5 should contain only bugfixes. However, Koha 3.0 is already on the way and should give libraries a new great experience Koha is the first Open-Source...
The new version of Koha (2.2.2) is available.Koha is the 1st Open-Source Integrated Library System. Released first in New Zealand, in January 2000, it is maintained by a team of volunteers from around the globe. The Koha system is a full catalogue, OPAC,...
Open Source Ils
The Georgia Pines system has decided to create their own open source ILS.We strongly believe that the best choice for PINES at this critical crossroads is an open source system developed by the Georgia Public Library Service. This system will be custom-written...
Library Cataloging