Library Cataloging
Open Source
Lots of OS news at oss4lib this morning.
pyCatalog-1.0.1 is a Python, MySQL, wxPython, Reportlab application specifically usable in library and information centers. It simply produces book catalog and card catalog in pdf format rendered using reportlab. The program takes MARC file as its source data.Library Acquisitions Database manages the ordering and receiving of items, such as books and video cassettes, for a library system, featuring individual-branch buying and budgeting. It is developed in Perl with a MySQL database backend by the TNRD Library System.
Facebook Application
The Earl Gregg Swem Library has announced the release of it's Facebook application, Swem Tools to the open source community.Released under the Apache 2.0 license, the project, Facebook Athenaeum, allows libraries to quickly develop and customize a...
Mysql In A Nutshell
Much of our work, as catalogers, deals with databases. MySQL in a Nutshell is a new book from O'Reilly about the Open Source database.After introductory information on installing and formatting queries to MySQL, the book presents a reference listing...
Notes On The Workshop "open Source Software In Libraries"
We began by installing an Apache Web server. Many folks are still using version 1.3 rather than 2.0. One reason is because they would loose the functionality of AxKit, an XML transformation engine.Next we examined Perl. Very common and useful language....
Links Database
Rahoo is a:Link-Checking URL Database for schools and Libraries that want to keep collections of preselected links but are concerned about link rot and the unstructured web. The program is written in Pure PHP. Runs on Mysql and is based on PHPLinks. New...
Folks are always looking for low cost alternatives in cataloging software. Small church libraries, clubs, and departments are just a few who find the cost of even the smaller PC systems out of their budget. Well, there are a few alternatives.Koha is an...
Library Cataloging