Library Cataloging
Open WorldCat Supports COinS
Open WorldCat now supports ContentObjects in Spans (COinS).
On March 12, 2006 OCLC added COinS to its Open WorldCat web pages. COinS is an acronym that stands for Context Objects in Spans, which represent a standardized way to embed citation metadata into a web page. COinS are actually included in the HTML code on the web page using OpenURLs. This allows other processors 'such as your web browser' to find the citation metadata and generate links to other resources that are accessible via OpenURLs.
Coins Generator
It seems the COinS Generator is not working, at least when given a DOI it returns the target not a Content Object in Spans. Is there no alternative tool? I couldn't find one. If that is the case, is it because COinS is pretty useless and no one bothered...
Oclc's Openurl Referer For Ie
News from OCLC about an OpenURL referer.OCLC's OpenURL Referrer is now available for Internet Explorer! Previously available only for Firefox, this popular browser extension inserts OpenURLs into Google Scholar and Google News Archive search results....
Coins @ The Lpi
I've started adding ContentObjects in Spans (COinS) to another page at the LPI, a listing of papers published by our staff. I've not heard any problems with the ones on our Recent Additions to the Catalog page and we have been using them there...
Coins Tool
The COinS Browser Extensions for Your Library can autogenerate bookmarklets and greasemonkey scripts for sending embedded COinS to your local resolver.Below is a form for finding bookmarklets and greasemonkey scripts to support COinS links at a number...
Open Worldcat Or Coins
I received a good question about choosing between Amazon and Open WorldCat, "Why not use COinS?" Why not indeed? There is now a COinS generator, so it should be simple to create them. However, when I use I get not the link but all the metadata showing....
Library Cataloging