OpenURL bookmarklet
Library Cataloging

OpenURL bookmarklet

Here is a tool to create a bookmarklet to your favorite OpenURL resolver. If you library uses them why not create a bookmarklet for your users to drag to their toolbars? Post it on your Web page with instructions for your users. Seen on Library Techlog.

- Openurl Question
Since we do not yet have an OpenURL resolver for the Institute I've not messed with the standard as much as I'd like. We have a full-text database of works from our conferences and workshops. What would it take to make it a workable ending place...

- New Library Podcast
Library Geeks is a new podcast covering tech stuff in libraries. The 1st episode is:Ross Singer joins me for the first episode, wherein we discuss OpenURL, the state of the OpenURL resolver marketplace, and the innovative work Ross is leading at the Georgia...

- Worldcat/google Bookmarklet
This is slick, the Worldcat/Google Bookmarklet. Thanks to all involved. It may have some use to catalogers, but even more to reference staff, I can see when a patron is looking for a book not in the collection this would be a great way to find it elsewhere.Simply...

- Multi-isbn Librarylookup
Hickey and his associate Jeff Young put up a page to explore ways of using this one-to-many mapping in a LibraryLookup-like bookmarklet. It produces a bookmarklet that issues a query URL with multiple ISBNs.Since my library's OPAC doesn't respond...

- Librarylookup
Jon Udell has added other library systems to the LibraryLookup bookmarklet. Now users of the epixtech IPAC and Endeavor systems can offer this to their patrons. If your library uses one of these systems make this available on your Web page for your patrons...

Library Cataloging
