RIP RedLightGreen
Library Cataloging

RIP RedLightGreen

On November 5th the RedLightGreen service will end. It will be missed.


- Worldcat Citations
Item records in, WorldCat's open-Web interface, now include a Cite this Item link that provides bibliographic citations in five common styles: APA, Chicago, Harvard, MLA and Turabian.That was a nice feature on the RedLightGreen site....

- Redlightgreen
RedLightGreen: What We've Learned Since Launch by Merrilee Proffitt appears in the current RLG FocusRedLightGreen is a new service developed with funding from The Andrew W. Mellon Foundation. Using some 120 million records from the RLG Union Catalog,...

- Redlightgreen
RLG's RedLightGreen (formerly known as the Union Catalog Project) is now online.To simplify record retrieval for Web users, RLG has adapted the Functional Requirements for Bibliographic Records established by the International Federation of Library...

- Redlightgreen
Tuna Breath is a 'blog devoted to the RedLightGreen project at RLG.Judith E Bush discusses the launch and analysis of's website -- recasting traditional bibliographic metadata for a world that believes everything should...

- Rlg's Redlightgreen Project
RLG is looking at a user friendly interface to the union catalog.The RedLightGreen project is a whole new way of thinking about library catalogs. Catalogs today are optimized for inventory control and transaction management - not necessarily information...

Library Cataloging
