RSS Validator
Library Cataloging

RSS Validator

Here is a tool that will validate your RSS feed on a daily basis and e-mail you the results.
Please enter the URL of a feed that you wish to validate periodically, an email address you want the result to be sent to, and a subject for the email (which makes it easy to filter the email). The feed will be validated at most once a day.

- Cc:da Discusion List
Distributed to several email lists.CC:DA announces a public read-only email discussion list to allow non-CC:DA members to "view" committee discussions and work that takes place between outside of the ALA Annual Conference and Midwinter Meeting. In order...

- Reference Tools
How cool is this:Reference by SMS is an exciting new service designed specifically to allow libraries to expand their reference delivery methods to include SMS, the mobile phone text messaging system so popular with the youth of today.....The "Reference...

- E-mail
The Email Encoder makes it less likely spammers will capture addresses from Web pages. It transforms an ASCII email address into its equivalent decimal entity. Looks natural in most browsers. I have used it to encode my address that appears at the upper...

- This 'blog
I've set up another RSS feed, this one in 0.91. It does display better in AmphetaDesk than the old one in 0.92. However, it does not validate and the other does, go figure. If you read this on your news aggregator you may want to switch.The problem...

- Rss
The RSS Valiadator checks RSS feeds. It works with RSS 0.91, 0.92, 0.93, 0.94, 1.0, and 2.0, but it is optimized for RSS 2.0 feeds. This ensures that the RSS feed is up to standards. It also recognizes elements from other name spaces, like Dublin Core....

Library Cataloging
