Library Cataloging


Need a metadata schema for a new project? Looking to make your home-grown schema available to others? SchemaWeb is the place for you.
SchemaWeb is a directory of RDF schemas expressed in the RDFS, OWL and DAML+OIL schema languages. SchemaWeb is a place for developers and designers working with RDF. It provides a comprehensive directory of RDF schemas to be browsed and searched by human agents and also an extensive set of web services to be used by software agents that wish to obtain real-time schema information whilst processing RDF data. RDF Schemas are the critical layer of the Semantic Web. They provide the semantic linkage that 'intelligent' software needs to extract value giving information from the raw data defined by RDF triples.

What does SchemaWeb do? SchemaWeb gathers information about schemas published on the web. SchemaWeb merges the RDF statements from all the schemas registered in the directory into an RDF triples store.


- Metadata Schema Registry
A Metadata Schema Registry as a Tool to Enhance Metadata Interoperability by Mitsuharu Nagamori and Shigeo Sugimoto appears in the latest issue of TCDL Bulletin.Interoperability is one of the most crucial issues for the metadata and digital library communities....

- Metadata Authority Description Schema

- Metadata Authority Description Schema
In response to numerous requests, the Library of Congress' Network Development and MARC Standards Office has drafted an XML schema for an authority element set that may be used to provide metadata about agents (people, organizations), events, and...

- Marc21 & Xml
Library of Congress announces standard MARCXML schemaThe Library of Congress Network Development and MARC Standards Office announces completion of a schema for MARC 21 records in an XML structure for use in communicating MARC 21 records. This schema was...

- Dublin Core & Open Archives Initiative
This just came in. It is good to see the convergence of various streams of work into a river of useful tools. DCMI and OAI are pleased to announce an XML schema for unqualified DC metadata that facilitates the declaration of modular metadata components. ...

Library Cataloging
