Tag Cleaner
Library Cataloging

Tag Cleaner

Bring some consistency to your tagging with Delicious Tag Cleaner
What would a "Delicious Tag Cleaner" be? It is tool for removing unnecessary tags from your del.icio.us account....

If you're like me, you probably have thousands of bookmarks collected over years and years of web surfing and hundreds of tags used to describe them. But the thing is that over these months/years you haven't been able to come up with a consistent taxonomy for your tags.

I have, for example, dozens of different tags for expressing links related to software development: "dev", "devel", "development" etc.

So this tool can suggest you tags to be merged together, so you can choose one by one and have this tool to merge the chosen tags on your delicious account.
As you clean-up tags doesn't that remove them from the stream-of-consciousness thing? Aren't they losing their value and becoming subject headings? Poor ones at that.

- Tagging Study
Do Tags Work? by Cathy Marshall is an interesting study comparing tags, titles and descriptions of photos in Flickr.Have I convinced you that tags aren't all they've cracked up to be? I hope I have, but nonetheless there's a lingering fascination....

- Worldcat Tagging
Tagging is now available in WorldCat. It will be interesting to see how extensive, and so useful, tagging becomes here. You and your users can now keep track of your favorite items in WorldCat through tags?keywords that help you classify or describe an...

- Structure And Form Of Folksonomy Tags
Structure and form of folksonomy tags: The road to the public library catalogue by Louise Spiteri appears in Webology 4(2).Folksonomies have the potential to add much value to public library catalogues by enabling clients to: store, maintain, and organize...

- Index To Catalogablog
Off to the right on this Web site I've created an index to Catalogablog using del.icio.us and the tags. Let me know what you think about this. Yes, Steve, I know what you think about tagging your own material.The links take you to a page at del.icio.us...

- Technorati
Technorati is providing a search service for tags from Flickr, Delicious and Furl as well as weblogs that include the Technorati tag. I'm tagging this post as an experiment. If it works I may continue the experiment for a bit. Please let me know if...

Library Cataloging
