Library Cataloging


Overcoming Information Overload by Jeff Phillips and Christine Klima, appears in the May issue of Transform Magazine.
Taxonomies organize your information for more efficient retrieval and better topic insight. Here's how to choose the best approach to building a better taxonomy.
Seen in ShelfLife

- The Living Taxonomy Project (ltp)
An interesting project brought to my attention by Steven Cohen.The Living Taxonomy Project is a collaborative effort aimed at creating a global set of open source, standards-based taxonomies for education. The purpose of these taxonomies will be to provide...

- Classification
Why Dewey's Decimal System is prejudiced appears in the latest JOHO, Journal of the Hyperlinked Organization. This is a personal newsletter from David Weinberger. (Thanks to the commenter for clearing up the person responsible.) He is the author of...

- Topic Maps
Metadata? Thesauri? Taxonomies? Topic Maps! by Lars Marius Garshol "argues that topic maps go beyond the traditional solutions in the sense that it provides a framework within which they can be represented as they are, but also extended in ways which...

- Xml
Can XML Drive Taxonomies and Categorization? by Bill Trippe.Content management technology is almost de rigueur now in medium and large organizations, and along with it the problems of information overload. As a result, taxonomy development is now viewed...

- Taxonomy, Classification & Search
Putting it Together: Taxonomy, Classification & Search by Jeff Morris appears in the Sept. issue of Transform Magazine. His conclusion, a combination of free text searching, classification and vocabulary control is better for searching, than just...

Library Cataloging
