TEKSLink Project
Library Cataloging

TEKSLink Project

The TEKSLink Project is not new but deserving of mention.
The purpose of the TEKSLink Project is to provide a tangible link between the materials located in the library media center and the TEKS (Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills) standards used in the classroom.


TEKSLink provides the link between the standards and subject headings. By amending the authority record of the library catalog, a teacher can search by TEKS in the catalog, and the resulting materials are available in his or her campus library.

School libraries in Texas, should consider downloading these records into their systems, if not contributing in a more substantial way. Currently, the Elementary Science and Social Studies TEKS (except 5th grade Social Studies) are finished.

- Tmea
The rest of the week I'll be in San Antonio at the Texas Music Educators' Association (TMEA) conference. I'll be presenting a poster on the TEKSLink Project. Also, I'll be providing support for my wife since she is the elementary chair,...

- Music Tekslink
The Feb. issue of Southwestern Musician, in the Elementary Division column, has a description of the TEKSLink Project and an invitation to participate. If any Texas school librarians and their music teacher want to team-up just let me know. If you are...

- Marc
The Institute of Museum and Library Services (IMLS) has awarded a National Leadership Grant of $233,115 to the Texas Center for Digital Knowledge (TxCDK) at the University of North Texas for a project investigating the coding of information and metadata...

- Authority Records And School Standards
A group of school librarians here in Texas are adding standards to the subject authority records to enhance retrival by teachers. The TexasLink Project then makes the enhanced authority records available to all school libraris in the state.The purpose...

- Tx Project
The Texas State Library and Archives Commission is pleased to announce an opportunity for public, academic, and other TexShare libraries to participate in the Uplift Pilot Program for the Library of Texas Resource Discovery Service. Uplift is defined...

Library Cataloging
