Library Cataloging
Texas Library Association Annual Conference
I'm signed up for TLA. Did it too late to get a decent rate on a conference hotel so I'll be staying behind the convention center. From the map it looks close, not a bad walk. I'm on the ballot for councilor for the Digital Library group. So, I'll be going there and to the TRGCC events.
Last Spring I suggested they have Cali Lewis on the program. She lives in Dallas and has a video podcast, Geekbrief. Her story is great, two years ago she was working at a u-rent-space place and heard about podcasting. Without any experience she and her husband started one . Now, that is their job. She has been on TV and rubs shoulders with Web 2.0 luminaries. Since I was the one to suggest her, I hope she gets a good turnout. I should be there unless it conflicts with the DL or TRGCC events, or its part of a preconference workshop. Hope not.
Tla Conference
The program for the Texas Library Association Annual Conference is now available. What a line-up. Cali Lewis, Walt Crawford, Roy Tennant, Stephan Abram, Karen Schneider, etc. Most time slots have too many sessions I want to catch. Hope to see some of...
Fun Videos
The latest Tiki Bar is one of their best. Kevin Rose is a guest and very funny. There has been lots of to-do about the code to crack HD-DVDs being available. The best or at least most amusing item is this episode of Geek Brief. Cali Lewis may be at the...
Vodcasting In Texas
I just found out that Geek Briefs by Neal and Cali Lewis is done in Dallas. We should get them for TLA. How cool would that be? They could give a talk and maybe tape a show at the conference. Or maybe AMIGOS could get them to do a workshop in Dallas?Geek...
I wonder why LC does not have a presence at the Texas Library Association annual conference. This is the third largest conference in the country. I think it is much larger than SLA, a wonderful conference. Yet, LC is at SLA but not TLA. I ask because...
I've just received the program for the Texas Library Association annual conference. Lots of good sessions. Some of the ones I'm sure to catch include:Open-Source Software and Libraries a Good Fit? by Charles Bearden. Chuck was one of the early...
Library Cataloging