TLA Talk
Library Cataloging

TLA Talk

I've started a FURL topic for my upcoming TLA Talk. I don't give many talks, so I'm starting to get excited.


- Filtering
At my recent talk I pointed folks to my FURL site for links to all the tools I discussed. I've just received a note from a school librarian saying the filter will not allow access to that site. That is so wrong. Is Google or Yahoo filtered? FURL and...

- Be Back Monday
Friday is a holiday here in the states, Veteran's Day. Saturday I give my talk about Free MARC Tools at the TLA District 8 Conference. Hope to see some readers there. So this weblog will be quiet until Monday. I have posted an MP3 of my talk on OurMedia....

- Marc Tools
In a few weeks I'm giving a talk on MARC tools.There are many free tools available to perform specific tasks on MARC records. Proper use of these tools will help to eliminate improper coding, clean up of catalogs, or transform records into another...

- This Weblog
I've been thinking of making a change to this weblog. The lists of standards and MARC tools along the right side could be FURLed and then a listing in the index could just point to that tag. Any problems with that? It would clean up the sidebar a...

- Tla Talk Part I

Library Cataloging
