Library Cataloging
John Voth has made some tools he created available.
The first program takes a raw scan of a book's EAN (ie:9781575212784) and converts it into the ISBN (ie:1575212781).The second program takes a list of ISBN's and attempts to retrieve the MARC record for each title from the LoC.
They are in tar.gz format, so it looks like UNIX/Linux only.
William Denton has written a program, isbn2marc, that takes and ISBN and returns a MARC record. It uses Z39.50 and is written in Ruby. Mr. Denton is the person responsible for the FRBR Blog, good stuff....
Really Rudimentary Catalog
Really Rudimentary Catalog is a simple "card catalog" program. It consists of:bin/ - a rather brain-dead acquisitions program that downloads MARC records from the Library of Congressbin/ - another brain-dead program that converts...
Open Source Tool
pyCatalog is a Python, MySQL, wxPython, Reportlab application specifically usable in library and information centers. It simply produces book catalog and card catalog in pdf format rendered using reportlab. The program takes MARC file as its source data....
Sometimes it is useful to verify an ISBN. Some online verifiers are:ISBN (Bookland EAN) Online Bar Code Symbol Generator gives a barcode as well as providing a check digit, or verifying that the ISBN is correct. The program may be downloaded or used online.The...
A new ISBN is coming from NISO. It seems they are running out of available numbers. This will mean that any tools we are using to validate ISBN's in MARC will also need to be revised. We have until 2005, so it should be done by then....
Library Cataloging