Library Cataloging


Penn State has put together a nice collection of resources on Computing with Accents and Symbols. Could be useful if you deal with non-Roman languages. Provides RSS feeds to keep up with changes and additions to the resources.


- Unicode And Marc
News from LC.The revised Character set specifications are now posted on the MARC site. They take into account the use of the full Unicode repertoire, as opposed to only the MARC-8 subset of Unicode, and also include the loss-less and lossy techniques...

- Non-roman Scripts
The display and encoding of non-roman scripts in the catalog is a problem. We are slowly but steadily moving to UNICODE. A good resource is NRSI: Computers & Writing SystemsThe NRSI is a research and development team within SIL International, whose mission...

- Unicode And Marc
There is a new e-mail discussion list, UNICODE-MARC. There don't seem to be any posts yet.The Library of Congress has set up a special listserv for the MARC 21 user community to discuss and arrive at consensus on various issues concerning the implementation...

- Marc & Unicode
Changes to the MARC-8 character set and Unicode mappings have been made affecting these characters.CJK characters from the EACC repertoireEszett, Euro signGreek symbolsAlif...

- Physical Science Rss Feeds
PSIGate has recently added RSS feeds for the new records they add to their collection. There are feeds for each subject (astronomy, chemistry, earth sciences, physics, policy and materials), plus a feed if you want to keep up with the latest additions...

Library Cataloging
