Library Cataloging


YAZ-1.8.8 Sebastian writes: "The most notable changes are full support for character set negotiation and the use of UNICODE in Z39.50 sessions. Also new is support for Unix domain sockets ("file system sockets") as a high-speed, high-security alternative to TCP/IP connections for local client/server pairs." Posted on oss4lib

If you are wondering what YAZ is, here is the description from the YAZ page: "YAZ is a C/C++ programmer's toolkit supporting the development of Z39.50v3 clients and servers. ... The current version of YAZ includes experimental support for the industry standard ZOOM API for Z39.50."

- Extensible Catalog Ncip Toolkit
A new tool from the XC folks.The eXtensible Catalog (XC) NCIP Toolkit is now available to the public for download. This project page, hosted by Google Code, is home to all the up-to-date information about the NCIP Toolkit including its downloads, documentation,...

- Webdav
I'm wondering why Web-based Distributed Authoring and Versioning (WebDAV) is not more common. It seems pretty simple and has MS support, yet I never have heard of it being used. Or am I just missing it?The WebDAV protocol's aim was to make the...

- Oclc
Version 1.20 of the Connexion client is now available for download from the OCLC web site. This release includes NACO support for authorities functionality, local files, batch processing, and more. See the client recent enhancements page for more information...

- Scout Portal Toolkit
SPT (Scout Portal Toolkit) version 1.2.2 has been released, and is now available for download on the Scout web site.Highlights of this release include:support for editing and browsing multiple Tree (hierarchical controlled vocabulary) fieldsa new option...

- Z39.50
oss4lib reports that the Visual Basic Binding of ZOOM Z39.50 API has a new version available.:VB-ZOOM is an ActiveX COMponent, written in Visual Basic, which is an implementation of the ZOOM (Z39.50 Object-Orientation Model) Abstract API. It is a wrapper...

Library Cataloging
