Fall Reading
Library Cataloging

Fall Reading

Library: An Unquiet History is recommended by Ian Fairclough. Some of the chapters treat Antonio Panizzi, Melvil Dewey and Sandy Berman. Looks interesting. Now that I've finished Tarzan at the Earth's Core, I should try something a bit more professional. This might be a good selection for the Librarian's Book Club.

- Librarian's Book Club
So Many Books, So Little Time by Sara Nelson is the December selection for the Librarian's Book Club....

- Librarian's Book Club
The Dec. selections for the Librarian's Book Club are, The Truth About Reference Librarians by Will Manley and Book Lust: Recommended Reading for Every Mood, Moment, and Reason by Nancy Pearl.The fiction selection is Souls in the Great Machine by...

- Preservation
The weekend I began reading Library: An Unquiet History by Matthew Battles, the September selection of the Librarian's Book Club. One thing it drove home was that large libraries attract destruction. Those seeking religious purity or political power...

- Sandy Berman
Some recent writings by Sandy Berman are now available. They include several from the Unabashed Librarian....

- Not Cataloging
This is a great idea, the Librarians Book Club. How did I miss this for so long? Here is how they describe their mission:The Librarian's Book Club is a group to read and discuss books that are about libraries and the library profession. Every two...

Library Cataloging
