Library Cataloging


The weekend I began reading Library: An Unquiet History by Matthew Battles, the September selection of the Librarian's Book Club. One thing it drove home was that large libraries attract destruction. Those seeking religious purity or political power find a larger centralized collection an easy target. Natural disasters can also wipe out a great collection.

A better option for preservation is small widely dispersed collections. If the library at Alexandria had not stolen the text from the ships in the harbor more might have survived. The LOCKSS project is an important step in the right direction. They are attempting to create multiple digital repositories of journal articles. The Bush/Scowcroft article is an example of the problem with a centralized database. The delete button is just too tempting to use. Our digital libraries will have serious challenges to their integrity if they rely on outside sources for content.

- Preservation Metadata
For several years OCLC and RLG have jointly sponsored expert working groups on preservation-related topics. The current group, PREMIS (Preservation Metadata: Implementation Strategies), is international in composition and focused on the development of...

- Preservation Metadata
OCLC is conducting a survey of those using preservation metadata.Preservation Metadata: Implementation Strategies (PREMIS), a working group sponsored by OCLC and RLG, seeks information about digital preservation repositories. The focus of PREMIS is on...

- Professional Reading
The latest issue of Issues in Science and Technology Librarianship has some interesting articles."Lots of Copies Keep Stuff Safe As A Cooperative Archiving Solution for E-Journals" by Victoria A. Reich.The LOCKSS model, based on analysis of the history...

- Metadata
First Monday has the article "A Metadata Approach to Preservation of Digital Resources: The University of North Texas Libraries' Experience" by Daniel Gelaw Alemneh, Samantha Kelly Hastings, and Cathy Nelson Hartman.This paper discusses the issues...

- Not Cataloging
This is a great idea, the Librarians Book Club. How did I miss this for so long? Here is how they describe their mission:The Librarian's Book Club is a group to read and discuss books that are about libraries and the library profession. Every two...

Library Cataloging
