Library Cataloging


Roger C. Schonfeld: JSTOR: A History

JSTOR: A HistoryDetailed history of this important non-profit on-line resource. It provides a fascinating look at the birth, growth and current stability of JSTOR.

- Jhove 2 Mix
Bess has provided some instructions on using the JSTOR/Harvard Object Validation Environment (JHOVE) to create Metadata for Images in XML (MIX) records. JHOVE MIX...

- Digitization
While at the AOSA Conference I attended the session "Writing for the Orff Echo." They distributed the photo permission form that had to be used for any photographs accompanying articles. One statement caught my eye, it said the photograph of your child...

- Experiment
The post on JSTOR is an experiment. I just wanted to see how the Blam! service works. Looks fine to me, let me know if you experience any problems.Maybe this would be a good tie-in with the Librarians Book Club. Comments on the books could be made available...

- Oclc
The latest Fedlink Technical Notes Newsletter has the article "Choosing a Migration from OCLC Passport for OCLC Cataloging" on page 4. It contains some useful things to consider before making the move.Are you still using Passport for cataloging? Should...

- Online Journals
OCLC Union List Guidelines For Electronic Serials provides some guidance and answers some questions about creating local data records for e-journals. I'm not sure I'm convinced, unless some way can be found to automate the process. A few, such...

Library Cataloging
