Library Cataloging


Lately I've been thinking about "Why add metadata to a 'blog?" Except for the title and description field most search engines ignore most of it. It isn't driving lots of readers my way nor increasing my page hits. I doubt it has much, if any influence on my ranking in any of the major search engines. Why bother?

Several reasons, some might apply to you as well.

- The New Cataloger
The New Cataloger by Roy Tennant appears in Library Journal.I've often said librarians should like any metadata they see. This is because we are entering an age where MARC no longer rules, since the 21st-century library will be handling increasing...

- Metadata Survey
OCLC is looking for metadata folks to take a survey.OCLC is working on a project that would allow us to support different types of metadata schemes, not just MARC 21 and Dublin Core. We are currently gathering information about various schemes to determine...

- Nsdl Metadata Registry
The NSDL Metadata Registry provides projects within the National Science Digital Library (NSDL) with the means to registry their metadata schemas (element/property sets) and schemes (controlled vocabularies) for purposes of discovery and reuse in support...

- Metadata
"Creating metadata that work for digital libraries and Google" by Alan Dawson appears in Library Review (2004) v. 53, no. 7, pp. 347-350.For many years metadata has been recognised as a significant component of the digital information environment. Substantial...

- Mets
Library Hi-Tech vol. 20, no. 3 (2002) p. 255-257 has the paper "METS and the metadata marketplace" by Michael Seadle.One purpose of the Metadata Encoding and Transmission Standard (METS) is to deal with the multiplication of metadata types in recent years,...

Library Cataloging
