Library Cataloging


Looking at the NCIP standard, it covers much more than the interaction between borrowing and lending library in an ILL transaction. It also includes the ability to verify patron information at a remote host and then grant privileges. Have any of the journal vendors investigated using this to provide access to on-line collections? Have we asked them? I know that keeping up with all the various methods of access to our e-journals is almost a full time position. Some require passwords, others only work from a specific range of IP addresses, and some use cookies. They often change without notification. A standard that would verify a user against our patron records would simplify the process. OCLC is currently using it in this way.
Following a successful installation on January 19, 2003, OCLC FirstSearch now allows libraries to authenticate users against their existing patron file using the NISO Circulation Interchange Protocol (NCIP). NCIP is an approved NISO (National Information Standards Organization) standard that defines messaging between circulation systems, ILL systems, or broker applications. NCIP has many applications, only one of which is authenticating patrons for access into an online service.
From the MLC Communique
It might also be used as a stick to get back materials. If a user was denied access to on-line databases we subscribe to because they had ignored a recall notice, they might take the notice more seriously. Does the standard have that ability, to distinguish patrons in good standing from others?

This will also make reciprocal borrowing much easier. Patron information could be verified and exchanged easily. There could be more statewide library cards, or even cards across state lines. On vacation, it would be nice to drop into the local library and check out a light read for the beach. This standard could open the way for that and more.

- Ncip Update
The next NISO Open Teleconference will be October 13, 2009. Rob Walsh, President of EnvisionWare (Maintenance Agency for NCIP), will be providing an update from the NCIP Standing Committee.Join NISO on these free conference calls to learn about new projects...

- Extensible Catalog Ncip Toolkit
A new tool from the XC folks.The eXtensible Catalog (XC) NCIP Toolkit is now available to the public for download. This project page, hosted by Google Code, is home to all the up-to-date information about the NCIP Toolkit including its downloads, documentation,...

- Global Information Locator Service
Community Information, Electrified by Tim Rogers, Atabong Fombon, & Erica Reynolds discusses two options for this information, the MARC Community Information format and home-grown solutions. One option they miss, and maybe many libraries miss also,...

- Ncip
This ILL standard is being discussed in the Koha and Perl4Lib community currently. This announcement from a commercial vendor might be of interest.May 06 , 2003- The Library Corporation (TLC) will offer its NCIP Toolkit to ILS vendors and library organizations...

- Circulation Standards
The NCIP-IG (NISO Circulation Interchange Protocol-Implementers Group) was recently formed. This group would like to broaden its membership. The discussion list is open to all. There is some interesting work coming from this effort. They are moving ILL...

Library Cataloging
