Library Cataloging


This ILL standard is being discussed in the Koha and Perl4Lib community currently. This announcement from a commercial vendor might be of interest.
May 06 , 2003- The Library Corporation (TLC) will offer its NCIP Toolkit to ILS vendors and library organizations to benefit libraries worldwide.

NCIP (National Circulation Interchange Protocol) defines the various transactions needed to support circulation activities among individual library systems. NCIP is based on the SIP and SIP2 (Standard Interchange Protocol) communications scheme originally developed by 3M.

- Niso Teleconference - Ncip
The next NISO teleconference; will be on the NISO Circulation Interchange Protocol (NCIP). NISO will hold its next open teleconference in our monthly series this coming Monday, December 10th at 3:00 PM Eastern Standard Time. The topic for the November...

- Ncip Update
The next NISO Open Teleconference will be October 13, 2009. Rob Walsh, President of EnvisionWare (Maintenance Agency for NCIP), will be providing an update from the NCIP Standing Committee.Join NISO on these free conference calls to learn about new projects...

- Global Information Locator Service
Community Information, Electrified by Tim Rogers, Atabong Fombon, & Erica Reynolds discusses two options for this information, the MARC Community Information format and home-grown solutions. One option they miss, and maybe many libraries miss also,...

- Ncip
Looking at the NCIP standard, it covers much more than the interaction between borrowing and lending library in an ILL transaction. It also includes the ability to verify patron information at a remote host and then grant privileges. Have any of the journal...

- Circulation Standards
The NCIP-IG (NISO Circulation Interchange Protocol-Implementers Group) was recently formed. This group would like to broaden its membership. The discussion list is open to all. There is some interesting work coming from this effort. They are moving ILL...

Library Cataloging
