OPAC Replaced by FISH
Library Cataloging

OPAC Replaced by FISH

Christopher Harris at Infomancy has an OPAC replacement, a FISH. FISH: Free (as in kittens) Integrated Search Handler. Using freely available tools has put together a system to replace the catalog. Seeing what he has done is fascinating and inspiring.

With all the work being done by the Koha and Evergreen folks and the SOLR/Lucene crowd, and the eXtensible Catalog, it seems like open-source solutions for the OPAC will become more attractive options to the large commercial products.


- Open Source Opac
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- Koha News
Koha 2.2.4 is here. Koha 2.2.4 should be the last release of the 2.2 branch with new features. Koha 2.2.5 should contain only bugfixes. However, Koha 3.0 is already on the way and should give libraries a new great experience Koha is the first Open-Source...

- Enhanced Opacs
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- Catalogs
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Library Cataloging
