Open Source OPAC
Library Cataloging

Open Source OPAC

Rapi is yet another open-source OPAC project. It uses Lucene and Ruby like most of the projects do.
Rapi is an open-source project of the WING group in the School of Computing, National University of Singapore licensed under the MIT license. Rapi provides an OPAC package that allows you to:
  1. Build a Lucene index from your MARC files
  2. Screen scrape live circulation data from your own iii OPAC
  3. Wrap your OPAC with a customizable user interface
The user interface packaged with Rapi has been tested with Firefox 2 and 3 as well as Internet Explorer 7. The user interface supports a variety of features including tabs, an overview+details view, and a suggestion bar among many others. Note that although the user interface supports query suggestions, the package currently does not provide any suggestion modules. With that said, if you do have query suggestion modules, they can be easily integrated with the package. As an example, our live demo incorporates a spelling suggestion module.

- Extensible Text Framework (xtf)
The California Digital Library (CDL) is pleased to announce a new release of its search and display technology, the eXtensible Text Framework (XTF) version 2.1. XTF is an open source, highly flexible software application that supports the search, browse...

- Google Summer Of Code
Among the 900 projects selected for the Google Summer of Code is one for cataloging.The purpose of this project is to create a professional web-based library cataloging application for searching, retrieving and editing library catalog records. It will...

- Ojax Federated Search Service Software
An exciting announcement about OJAX, an open-source federated search tool.OJAX federated search service software is now in Beta release and available for download. Version 0.7 has improved performance, stability and user feedback, as well as additional...

- Opac Replaced By Fish
Christopher Harris at Infomancy has an OPAC replacement, a FISH. FISH: Free (as in kittens) Integrated Search Handler. Using freely available tools has put together a system to replace the catalog. Seeing what he has done is fascinating and inspiring.With...

- Koha Release Name: 2.1.0
Koha version 2.1.0 has been released. ROADMAP: A roadmap for Koha 2.2 is available.This is the 1st UNSTABLE VERSION of the future Koha 2.2. Please install this version only if you want to test and give some help to the team that develops this software....

Library Cataloging
